
If an Array only contains primitive values, we can deduplicate it by only using the filter and indexOf methods.

var deduped = [ 1, 1, 'a', 'a' ].filter(function (el, i, arr) {
	return arr.indexOf(el) === i;

console.log(deduped); // [ 1, 'a' ]


We can write this in a more compact way using an arrow function.

var deduped = [ 1, 1, 'a', 'a' ].filter( (el, i, arr) => arr.indexOf(el) === i);

console.log(deduped); // [ 1, 'a' ]

But with the introduction of Sets and the from method, we can achieve the same result in a more concise way.

var deduped = Array.from( new Set([ 1, 1, 'a', 'a' ]) );

console.log(deduped); // [ 1, 'a' ]


We can’t use the same approach when the elements are Objects, because Objects are stored by reference and primitives are stored by value.

1 === 1 // true

'a' === 'a' // true

{ a: 1 } === { a: 1 } // false

Therefore we need to change our approach and use a hash table.

function dedup(arr) {
	var hashTable = {};

	return arr.filter(function (el) {
		var key = JSON.stringify(el);
		var match = Boolean(hashTable[key]);

		return (match ? false : hashTable[key] = true);

var deduped = dedup([
	{ a: 1 },
	{ a: 1 },
	[ 1, 2 ],
	[ 1, 2 ]

console.log(deduped); // [ {a: 1}, [1, 2] ]

Because a hash table in javascript is simply an Object, the keys will always be of the type String. This means that normally we can’t distinguish between strings and numbers of the same value, i.e. 1 and '1'.

var hashTable = {};

hashTable[1] = true;
hashTable['1'] = true;

console.log(hashTable); // { '1': true }

However, because we’re using JSON.stringify, keys that are of the type String, will be stored as an escaped string value, giving us unique keys in our hashTable.

var hashTable = {};

hashTable[JSON.stringify(1)] = true;
hashTable[JSON.stringify('1')] = true;

console.log(hashTable); // { '1': true, '\'1\'': true }

This means duplicate elements of the same value, but of a different type, will still be deduplicated using the same implementation.

var deduped = dedup([
	{ a: 1 },
	{ a: 1 },
	[ 1, 2 ],
	[ 1, 2 ],

console.log(deduped); // [ {a: 1}, [1, 2], 1, '1' ]




Stack overflow